Monday, March 23, 2015

The Current Situation

Unfortunately, a concept as important as important as education to develop a third world country is still not fully developed and is not the main priority in those countries’ agendas. In most of the developing countries around the world, only a few children graduate from secondary school and many don’t even graduate from primary school. This is something which is a major cause of concern especially that the future of those countries lies in the hand of its youth, which in turn is not receiving a good education. That good education is the key for development and for the progress towards a better world.
Redefining Education in the Developing World (SSIR). (n.d.). Retrieved March 24, 2015, from

1 comment:

  1. I like the topic you chose Mayssa! It was a really informative and organized blog. Also the images are well chosen. Great work! :D
